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HDC minutes, 10/19/2010
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
October 19, 2010

Members present: Chair Jason Berger, JB; Claire Cantone, CC; Steve Sample, SS; Jim Harwood, JH
Absent with notification:  Elaine Steinert, ES

In attendance was Suzanne Pelton of the Historical Commission.

James Biancolo, 136 Main St., Map 46 Parcel 53, placement of a historic house marker.

Making the presentation was Jim Biancolo who provided a packet of the following information:
1) Brochure “The Lenox Historic House Plaque Program”
2) Historic House Plaque Program Procedure
3) January 14, 2010 letter of application for a plaque from Jim Biancolo to James Jurney Jr., Chairman of the Historical Commission   
4) Current photo of the Biancolo home at 136 Main St.
5) Copy of Massachusetts Historical Commission Form B, an Inventory Form which includes an architectural description and a historic narrative of the subject property.
6) Page 11 from The Church on the Hill, which gives a brief history of the Biancolo home

Mr. Biancolo stated that the sign measures 12” by 16” and represents the first plaque application under the House Plaque program.

JH made a motion to accept the application with the placement of the plaque in the general location shown in the photograph supplied with the application, but not to exceed seven feet in height.  CC seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 4-0.

It was noted that others will be participating in the Historic House Plaque program and there was discussion as to how to proceed with granting permission for the installation of a marker on a structure.  Mr. Biancolo, a volunteer with the Historical Commission stated that the Commission could take on that responsibility.  JB responded that he would follow up with the Town Planner, Mary Albertson, to see if the Historical District Commission could issue a blanket approval for all who purchase the markers, or if the Historical Commission could be the permitting authority.

September 21, 2010-JH made a motion to approve the minutes with a minor edit and SS seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 4-0.
October 5, 2010-The minutes were tabled as there was not a quorum.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola